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Membership Details

The Club is known as “Wolvercote Cricket Club”.

Players may not be registered with another club in the Cherwell League, have outstanding debts to another league club, or have played in any league outside the Cherwell League in the current season. If any prospective player believes this may apply to them they must inform the Club Secretary who will confirm their eligibility with the league before membership is granted.

Membership of the club is renewable on an annual basis via payment of the Subscription Fee (£70 for 2024). There are no reductions or concessions to this fee for junior or unwaged players. Subs cover team registrations, insurance and, in their first year only, the provision of a playing shirt and cap for each new player. Subscription fees are non-refundable.

Application for Membership is via completing and submitting a registration form to the Club Secretary. Existing members are responsible for confirming any changes to their registered details prior to the 31st January each season.

Prospective members are entitled to attend one club training session for free but thereafter are expected to either pay the subscription in full or with prior agreement of the secretary make 3 equal part payments for their next 3 training sessions. Once the subscription fee has been paid in full players will be registered with the league.

This procedure is to allow prospective players time to decide they wish to be involved with the club. In turn it also satisfies the terms of our agreement with our net providers that only bone-fide club members may have access to the facilities. Furthermore it also protects the club and its members against players using the facilities for ‘free’ pre-season training.

Existing Members are expected to pay subscription fees in full by the 31st of March each year. Failure to do so will result in a £10 fine being levied.

The club reserves the right to refuse membership or terminate membership in the event of a serious breach of club rules.

Match fees

Members are liable, in addition to the annual subscription charge, to a match fee for each game played. This covers the cost of umpires, balls, teas, and rental of the pitch and pavilion.

Current match fees are:

League and Cup


£12 or £6 if unwaged.


£6.50 or £3.50 if unwaged.

Sunday friendlies

£10 or £5 if played on Saturday as well.


£6.50 or £3.50 if unwaged.

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