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Wolvercote Cricket Club



For the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and UK data protection laws, the Controller is Wolvercote Cricket Club (the “Venue”) of Cutteslowe Park, Oxford OX2 8NP. 

About this document

This privacy policy explains how Wolvercote Cricket Club (WCC) collects, uses and shares your personal data, and your rights in relation to the personal data that it holds. This privacy policy concerns the retention and processing of personal data of club members.

How your information is collected

WCC collects and holds limited personal information on its members. The information is collected at the time an individual applies to become a member and retained for the term that an individual remains a member.

The types of information that are collected

WCC may collect the following types of personal data about you (and your family members and ‘next of kin’, where relevant) from the membership application form:

Contact and communications information, including:

    your contact details (including email address(es), telephone numbers and postal address(es)
    contact details of nominated family members for ‘next of kin’ (for junior members only)
    records of communications and interactions we have had with you

Biographical information, including:

    your name & date of birth
    your image (potentially) from club matches
    Relevant medical history & ongoing medication (juniors only)

Information that WCC will not request or collect

    Financial information such as bank account details
    Social information
    Work related information, unless related to a specific project that the club is undertaking
    Proof of ID (Passport/ Driving license)
    Photo ID
    Medical history (adults)

How WCC uses your information

The purposes for which WCC may use personal data include:

Internal use only:

    Forwarding Club news and notice of club meetings, including the AGM
    Informing members of Club fixtures & team selections
    Sharing news from leagues we are entered into
    Social events
    Membership renewal
    Training sessions

Inter-Club use:

 Personal  details for league administration (normally Team Captains, Committee Members and Managers only)

League Administration:

    Ensuring that members are recorded in the league database used to record results and personal performance information in league matches.

The basis for processing your information

It is in the legitimate interest of the Club to process your personal information in order to efficiently operate the club. WCC will retain and use your information for the internal administration of the Club and allowing the club to participate in inter-club league matches as per the points above.

Sharing your information with others

WCC will not share your information with any Third Party, other than that noted in the points above.

If a Third Party, such as the Town Council or the local Police, asks to speak to a Committee Member or particular member of the club they will be asked to write to the Club Secretary at The Club Secretary will inform the individual of the Third Party’s approach and ensure that Wolvercote Cricket Club’s Internal Privacy Policy is followed.

How long your information is kept

We retain your personal data as long as you remain a member of the club and for a period and for a period of 12 months thereafter in case of queries or disputes. Thereafter it will be removed/deleted from the Club records.

Your rights

Under certain circumstances, by law you have the right to:

    Request access to your personal data (commonly known as a “data subject access request”). This enables you to receive a copy of the personal data the Club holds about you and to check that the Club is lawfully processing it.
    Request correction of the personal data that the Club holds about you. This enables you to have any incomplete or inaccurate information The Club holds about you corrected.
    Request erasure of your personal data. This enables you to ask the Club to delete or remove personal data where there is no good reason for the Club continuing to process it. You also have the right to ask the Club to delete or remove your personal data where you have exercised your right to object to processing.
    Request the restriction of processing of your personal data. This enables you to ask the Club to suspend the processing of personal data about you, for example if you want us to establish its accuracy or the reason for processing it.  You can also withdraw your consent, where this is the basis for our processing your information (without affecting the lawfulness of the Club’s previous processing based on consent).
    Request the transfer of your personal data to another party.

Please note that the above rights are not absolute and the Club may be entitled to refuse requests where exceptions apply.

If you have given your consent and you wish to withdraw it, please contact the Club Secretary, using the contact details set out below.

Contact and complaints

If you have any queries about this privacy policy or how the Club processes your personal data, or if you wish to exercise any of your rights, you may contact the Club Secretary:

If you are not satisfied with how the Club is processing your personal data, you can make a complaint to the Information Commissioner.

You can find out more about your rights under applicable data protection legislation from the Information Commissioner’s Office website available at  

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